
If you’re struggling in your business and have looked everywhere for the root of the problem but can’t find it, 你正在寻找的答案可能在你最意想不到的地方——在你的it部门. Problems with IT affect all aspects of your business and that’s why more and more business leaders are looking to manage IT services to turn IT into a function that doesn’t just support operations but fuels their growth. 

Whether you’re already outsourcing IT services, 拥有一个小型的内部团队, or a few people “good with technology” taking care of things, 在与IT斗争的组织的故事中也有类似的主题. At the top of the list are concerned about security, 永远无法解决的IT问题, and an inability to take advantage of new technology.  

好像这还不够, there’s a ripple effect that creates an undercurrent of frustration and stress that threatens customer and employee satisfaction when IT isn’t running smoothly. And what about the surprise bills that come in every month for things you didn’t know you needed or problems you thought were already fixed? 

It’s time to stop struggling and get IT rolling with 托管IT服务. 在本文中, we’re going to walk you through the reasons why 托管IT服务 are the solution you’ve been looking for, 以及如何选择合适的供应商,使您的合作伙伴关系的结果符合您的期望.  

It’s time to stop struggling and get IT rolling with 托管IT服务. 在本文中 we’re going to walk you through the reasons why 托管IT服务 is the solution you’ve been looking for, 以及如何选择合适的供应商,使您的合作伙伴关系的结果符合您的期望.

Why Relying on Reactive IT Doesn’t Work

除非您有正确的IT方法,否则您无法从IT中获得想要的结果. 我们所说的接近是什么意思?

您现在最有可能经历的是对响应式IT方法的依赖. That is, IT doesn’t act until there’s a trigger. 触发器可以是任何东西,从员工的支持请求到服务器崩溃. 这可能是网络攻击,也可能是突然意识到你所有的软件许可证都过期了.

Relying on reactive IT means that you have a lot of surprises. Surprises are good if it’s your birthday, but not so good when it means that operations are down for hours, 几天甚至几周.


  • You’re paying for IT support by the hour.
  • 硬件故障很常见.
  • You feel like you’ve outgrown your IT company.
  • You never get around to planning ahead.
  • 您的IT系统不可预测.
  • 你遭遇了网络攻击.

The bottom line is that a faulty approach to IT means that you end up spending energy and resources that don’t get you anywhere because IT没有为你的业务服务.

Related: Is My IT 公司 Understaffed?

Get a New Approach to IT with 托管IT服务

因此,如果您的IT方法不能为您的业务服务,那么您正在寻找哪种方法呢? The answer is one that is both proactive and reactive, and unless you’re an enterprise-level company you’re probably going to have to look to outsourcing to get it and that’s where 托管IT服务 come in.

Managed IT services is an approach to technology management that includes both proactive and reactive activities that are focused on creating reliable, secure technology that enables business operations and sparks innovation. 服务 are delivered for a flat monthly fee by an experienced team of technology professionals who bring you all the IT specialties needed to run your business, including expert 它指导 to help you plan and budget for the future.

Having shared goals with your managed service provider (MSP) is key to a successful relationship with the MSP that you choose, and it’s what separates true managed IT service companies from those that are just using the term to describe a hodge-podge of services and calling them “managed.”

You can better understand this difference if you consider how an MSP is supposed to guide you along your business journey. 这是它的样子:

Managed IT services should enable your business goals.
They work with you to improve business operations, 管理网络风险, and help you identify ways to leverage new technology.

IT strategy creates a path for improvement.
It takes planning and proactive IT management to take you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow.

Wherever you are in your IT improvement journey, the interactions that your employees and customers have with technology makes a difference that translates into satisfaction and retention.

Are 托管IT服务 Better than Internal IT?

如果在IT方面变得积极主动和具有战略意义是解决IT(和业务)困境的办法, you might be wondering if you could get the same results from internal IT. 这是一个很好的问题,我们可以通过思考从每种排列中得到什么来思考这个问题.

Some of the pluses of keeping your internal IT team are that these people are already knowledgeable about your business and have relationships with your employees. 如果所有人都在一个办公室里,当有人需要帮助时,他们就在咫尺之遥.

不利方面, when you have an internal IT team, staff turnover can put you in an extreme IT support deficit. 除此之外,你还需要成为招聘、雇佣和培训IT人才的专家.

另外, a small IT team has limits to their knowledge and bandwidth, 他们可能不具备指导IT战略所需的领导素质或专业知识.

如果您能够克服所有IT人员需要一直在现场的想法, then you can start to see how 托管IT服务 can give you many benefits that you can’t get with a small internal team like:

  • 访问每个IT专业
  • Alignment of job roles with personalities
  • 加强网络风险管理
  • 容量刚刚好
  • 快速响应时间
  • Knowledge redundancy and documentation
  • 它指导

Related: The Pros and Cons of Internal IT vs 托管IT服务

Do You Have to Go All or Nothing with 托管IT服务?

而全力投入托管IT服务将使IT管理完全脱离你的工作, 有时,用部分管理的it来增加内部团队是有意义的.

共同管理的安排甚至可以很好地过渡到完全管理的IT, 特别是如果你认为你的内部团队将来可能会有一些人员流动. 事实上, 一些公司不仅将管理IT视为解决其IT问题的解决方案, but the best way to overcome their IT人员配置挑战.

The direction that you go with outsourcing IT depends in large part on the capabilities of your internal team, and how much of the IT burden you want them to carry. 托管IT服务通常有四种安排可供您考虑.

包罗万象的托管IT服务 – all IT and cybersecurity management are outsourced.

Co-managed IT 服务 for Infrastructure – management and maintenance of your overall network is outsourced.

共同管理的资讯科技服务 for Service Desk – Help Desk services for employees is outsourced.

共同管理的澳门赌场网址大全服务 – Cybersecurity management and monitoring is outsourced.


Better Business Outcomes with 托管IT服务

无论你选择什么安排, 您与托管IT提供商的共同目标应该是改进您的业务的IT功能. 此外, partnering with a managed IT service company should lead to better business outcomes including enhancing your competitive advantage.

把它想象成一辆赛车. The car itself is built for high performance, but the real glory comes when a driver uses it to win the race.

The way you build your technology to win the race is with IT strategy and the guidance of a virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO). When you work with a managed IT service company, you should have access to a vCIO who will meet with you on a regular basis to learn about your business and connect your business goals and challenges with technology solutions.

当你有持续的 资讯科技策略指引 您可以:

  • Make confident decisions about technology investments.
  • Create high functioning IT systems that improve business operations.
  • 有效管理网络风险.
  • Improve employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Improve the way you deliver your products and services.

How to Choose the Right Managed IT Service Provider

When it comes to choosing a managed IT service provider, 你肯定想在你的谈话中包括关于业务成果的讨论. 事实上, if the provider doesn’t talk about outcomes, but just wants to talk about their cool technology, 这是一个危险信号.

That doesn’t mean that you won’t talk about technology at all, 但科技话题应该围绕管理网络风险等结果展开, 让你的员工, and serving your customers better.

问一些问题,这些问题可以帮助你建立起对一起工作的期望. 这些问题包括:

  • What’s your approach to 托管IT服务?
  • Tell me about the different IT roles that are included in your staff.
  • What kind of response time can we expect?
  • What’s your approach to cybersecurity?
  • What will our ongoing relationship look like?

Related: How to Evaluate a 托管IT服务 公司

Learning about the company’s approach to IT and cybersecurity management are probably the most important areas that you want to dig into. 记住,即使你选择包罗万象的路线,你也要扮演一个角色.

您应该准备投资于IT改进,以创建坚实的技术基础. 这实际上是您和托管IT服务提供商共同的目标. 您还应该准备好保持硬件和软件的更新. 这不仅有助于技术的平稳运行,而且是一种重要的澳门赌场网址大全策略.

托管IT服务 Costs and Contracts

Having a monthly fee and making a commitment to invest in your technology may mean that you’ll have to allocate more resources to IT, but it may also mean that you’re spending less. It definitely means that you’re spending wiser.

将通过IT策略过程确定和计划IT改进. 你可能在想 对于固定费用的期望是什么.


范围之广取决于你是走包罗万象的路线还是共同管理的路线, and exactly what’s included and not included in the monthly fee. 在评估托管IT服务合同时,需要注意以下几点.

  • Is unlimited help desk support included? 升级支持怎么样??
  • 你会经常做什么样的主动IT管理任务?
  • Can you support all of our business applications and web apps?
  • Is data backup included in the monthly fee?
  • 基线澳门赌场网址大全是否足够??
  • Are the services of a vCIO included?

同样重要的是要了解什么不包括在你的每月固定费用. Don’t expect a managed IT service provider to pick up the tab for any network improvements or new hardware. You also need to continue to cover the cost for software, 语音通信和互联网等服务的许可和第三方费用.

There’s a lot that the provider has to do to get services up and running so you should also expect a separate onboarding fee.

Onboarding with Your New Managed Service Provider

改变对有些人来说是很难的,当你在做某事时,某种程度的破坏是不可避免的 transitioning to a new managed IT service provider. 你的整体经验将取决于公司的入职流程.

平稳过渡最重要的因素是开放的沟通. The provider is going to ask for lots of information about your IT systems and users that they’ll be supporting. 你需要一个联系人来帮助你收集所有的信息.

如果你已经在一家IT支持公司工作,并且你和他们的关系仍然很好, they should be able to get you what you need – if it exists. It’s possible that your network doesn’t have all the formal documentation that’s needed to learn about your IT systems. The new provider will be happy to receive whatever you can give them.

Keep in mind that during your transition is that there may be issues that need immediate attention and will incur costs. These could be things related to security like out-of-support hardware and software and other dangerous security vulnerabilities, 或者它们可能是使您的网络可支持所需的措施.

Make sure that you let employees know what’s happening and make sure they know how to contact support on day one of the new services.

The Path to Business Improvement and Innovation

As mentioned previously in this article, 战略性地使用IT是从您的技术中获得最大价值的方法, but what does that look like in practical terms?

对很多公司来说, 第一步是应用IT最佳实践并建立适当的澳门赌场网址大全基线. 通常, 最佳实践被忽略了,因为以前的IT团队没有时间去获取它们, 或者他们不知道该怎么做. 与此同时,安全措施滞后,无法跟上新威胁的发展.

因此,您的IT路线图的第一个目标是构建坚实的技术基础. As your technology goes from noisy to quiet, you might be tempted to think that the need for 托管IT服务 is decreased but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s because of managed IT that you’re able to mature your network and getting everything running smoothly.

Once you have that foundation laid, you’re poised to innovate. When you’ve previously never been in a position to successfully adopt new technology or utilize technology in ways that optimize business operations, 你会发现这是你可以利用技术作为竞争优势的时候.

托管IT服务 for New Orleans and Gulf Coast Businesses

这里是风向标, we partner with organizations in the New Orleans region to bring them all of the benefits and advantages that 托管IT服务 can offer. 我们的团队100%在美国,我们大多数人在新奥尔良地区生活和工作.

We’d like to help you explore what true 托管IT服务 能为您的生意做些什么. Get in touch to schedule a meeting.
